1885 1885 1900 1910 1920 1955 2015 |
Samples of Western
Canadian history. This unique
assortment of eight files begins
with the "Wild West" in 1874
and ends with predictions for the
future in the 2017 "Life in the Future" file. |
Historical accounts
1874 - Taming the Wild West.
The 1885 Rebellion the Natives.
The buffalo were killed off. The 1885 Rebellion - the Metis.
1910 - Life on a homestead.
These files have been deleted.
Check the Internet Archives.
2015 - Life in the Future.
1900-05 Diary depicts life as
a student and as a teacher. 1955- Life before television.
Total hits since (Up to June 30/04: 39,409 hits; |